Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How To Use Your Mind MP3 audio book download

How To Use Your Mind MP3 audio book download
How To Use Your Mind MP3 audio book download:

"Discover How to Succeed at College & Still Have Time for Fun – Lots and Lots of Fun!

This new Audiobook Reveals the Tips, Tricks, Study Techniques & Secrets Beginning College Students Need to Know to Earn Terrific Grades While Still Leaving Themselves More Than Enough Free Time to Fully Enjoy “The College Life!”

When I went away to college last year, I was ready to have the time of my life!

And I did … right up until the point where I flunked out!

That’s right, I made the classic mistake of neglecting my studies and spending all my time partying and it almost cost me my shot at securing a rich, rewarding future!

Fortunately for me, I was able to pull myself out of the depression that swept over me after I flunked out and I realized that I had to make some changes – fast!"

Publisher : 2008 Core Media Productions
Author : Internet Business Ideas
Length : 2 hours 32 minutes (Unabridged)

Get your own copy of How To Use Your Mind MP3 audio book download today...

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