Thursday, October 8, 2009

Learn to Speak French

Let me guess. For some reason - business, school, or personal - you need to study a foreign language, and you've been dreading it like the plague. Honestly, it's not that bad! Of course, some languages are easier (and more useful) than others. I'm going to give you five good reasons why you should learn French. Read along with me, and see if you agree.

For a quality and affordable online French language course I recommend you join Rocket French today! Advance French learners will love their Rocket French Premium Plus course...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why You Must Learn the Mandarin Language Now

Why You Must Learn the Mandarin Language Now

Why You Must Learn the Mandarin Language Now

Some people faced with the problem of how to learn to speak Chinese go into a complete panic. The symbols look so strange to none Chinese speakers, and the words sound nothing like the languages we may be accustomed to. But there are quicker ways to learning Mandarin that will have even the most rookie student speaking this unique language in no time.

You can overcome the first problem - those funny but beautiful characters by separating the act of speaking Chinese from the act of reading it. Unfortunately Chinese doesn't use the Western alphabet, or technically, any alphabet at all. Those symbols are called characters, and there are a lot of them. But fortunately, many none Chinese speakers learn to speak beginner Mandarin without mastering Chinese symbols, because Mandarin can be written in a Roman alphabet called Pinyin. This greatly helps people like you not speaking Chinese with how to learn Chinese!

The second problem - the sound of Mandarin words themselves can be explained by realizing that Mandarin is very dependent on pitch and tone. The sound "ma" said in a high-pitched tone could mean "mother" in a different tone, it could mean "horse." Thus, it's very important that learners concerned with how to learn Chinese approach this mysterious language in a way that allows them to hear the words and phrases pronounced. Rocket Mandarin is a excellent language course for this reason; it will help you learn the Chinese language in the quickest and most effective way and you could learn to speak basic Mandarin within 8-weeks.

Concluding how to study Chinese, you must know what kind of Chinese you need to learn. There are quite a few variations of Chinese; whether these are dialects of a single language, or related but separate languages like Thai and Arabic, for instance, is difficult to say. Two of the most commonly used variants of Chinese are Mandarin (the standard language of both the People's Republic of China and Taiwan), and Cantonese (more commonly spoken in Hong Kong). But each language variant is totally unique from the others, and a Cantonese-speaking person cannot be understood by a person who speaks only Mandarin.

In addition to practicing with a good audio-based program such as Rocket Chinese, it helps a lot to befriend a native speaker to chat with. This is true when learning any foreign language, but it's a very important factor in how to learn Mandarin. Have you ever heard someone pronounce an unfamiliar name on the phone, and failed to understand what they were trying to say to you? This is because you can't see the movements of their mouth, lips, and tongue as they say the words. With so many Chinese words dependent upon tone and the slightest variation of pronunciation, it helps so much to have a Chinese friend to learn your new language with.

You say you don't have any Chinese friends? I'll bet you do! Is there a Chinese coffee shop nearby? If its proprietors speak the variant of Chinese you want to study, make them your Chinese speaking friends, because they'll definitely have input on how to learn Chinese! Is there a Chinese community in your area? In all likelihood, there will be Chinese people there. Look on the Internet for forums and meeting places featuring Chinese language and culture. And as a last plan, you can learn a great deal from viewing Chinese movies.

My last advice is, practice, practice, practice! You'll never sound like a native Chinese speaker, but before you know it, you'll be able to carry on a smooth, articulate conversation in your new language. And your friends will never believe that only a few weeks ago, you had no idea how to speak Chinese!

Gerrit du Plessis owns the popular language learning site

Do YOU want more ways to learn Chinese fast? Visit the Rocket Chinese download site for more info and get your 6-day Free Chinese course.

How to learn Chinese was originally publish on

Monday, January 19, 2009

Force Recon 3 audio book download by James V. Smith

Force Recon 3 audio book download
Force Recon 3 audio book download by James V. Smith:

"They are known as Team Midnight, an elite force trained to disappear behind enemy lines, to wreak havoc where an enemy least expects it.

Their job is simple-hide in the shadows, killl without hestitation, and complete the mission at all costs.

They are America's secret weapons."

Publisher : 2008 Listen & Live
Author : James V. Smith
Narrator : Thomas Penny
Audio Length : 3 hours

Force Recon 3 audio book download

Download your own audio book copy of Force Recon 3 by James V. Smith today and enjoy this great audio book.